Saturday 8 November 2008

Power in the Modern World

I have this theory on how the balance of power in the modern world was created and this is how it goes:

It all started with the East India Company...

Now what does that mean?

Well basically, from a few thousand years ago till a few hundred years ago, everything was controlled by Kings, Tsars, Emporers, Pharaoh's etc. And across the world they had all been connected in one way or another and engaged in either business or war together.

Then one day, along came the French Revolution!

And that suddenly meant big trouble for rulers everywhere in the world and the potential (seemingly unavoidable potential) for a massive shift in the balance of power.

All these incredibly powerful people who had held power in one way or another through alliances, wars, families and dynasties for hundreds to thousands of years. It's not like they were just going to quietly give it away. So what did they do?

Well that's where the East India Company comes in...

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